When you’re picking out detergent to wash cloth diapers, you don’t want to just grab any old detergent. You need something that can remove stains and thoroughly clean dirty diapers. It also needs to be gentle and safe for the baby’s sensitive skin. Here, we’ll be going over our top recommendations for cloth diaper detergents priced for every budget.
What to Know
First off, let’s talk about what you need to look for in detergents for cloth diapers. The best cloth diaper detergents will be free of dyes, fragrances, and softeners. They’re also made with enzymes to break down and remove stubborn stains. Fabric softeners will make your cloth diapers less absorbent, so it’s important to avoid those. Not to mention, fabric softener usually has additives that can irritate sensitive skin.
Tide Free and Gentle
There is a reason Tide is the number one brand of laundry detergent in the United States. Their free and clear version is safe for sensitive skin. It’s free of dyes and fragrances but has the cleaning power to get tough stains out. You should be able to find this at most major grocery stores, and it’s a budget-friendly option.
Seventh Generation
This one is a cloth diapering favorite for a reason. Seventh Generation makes biodegradable detergent that is gentle on the most sensitive skin. Some people get worried that because it’s Earth-friendly, it won’t remove stains or clean effectively. Luckily, that couldn’t be further from the truth! A quick look through reviews will tell you people LOVE this detergent. It doesn’t have any softeners or other additives that can ruin diapers or irritate skin. It’s budget-friendly and widely available, which makes it one of the best cloth diaper detergents.
If you’ve had a baby, you’ve probably heard about Dreft (or will soon enough). People are obsessed with this stuff, especially for cloth diapers and baby clothes. This detergent is specifically made for babies in all stages. This is a great pick if you have hard water, as it contains a laundry conditioner. That helps keep your cloth diapers soft and clean. The downside is it’s a little pricier compared to the other options on this list. It can also be a little harder to find, depending on where you live, and isn’t cruelty-free.
Another well-loved detergent made specifically for babies is Babyganics. It’s free of fragrances, dyes, and other harsh chemicals. This makes it an excellent choice for cloth diapers. This detergent is also cruelty-free and plant-based, so it’s kind to the environment. At the time of writing, it costs about the same as Tide and Seventh Generation, so it’s also easy on your budget.
Cloth diapering is a big commitment and can be a daunting task for new parents. However, finding the right detergents that keep your cloth diapers looking and smelling fresh will make a huge difference. With a baby in the house, nobody has time to sit around scrubbing cloth diapers. Finding the best cloth diaper detergents on a budget is important for your time and sanity. Take the time to see what is available in your area and fits into your budget. You might need a little trial and error to see what works best for your family. Your efforts will pay off in the form of clean, fresh-smelling cloth diapers!
If you’re wanting to find more eco-friendly laundry detergents, look no further! Check out our top picks for clean laundry and a cleaner Earth.